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It's time to get Confident in your mom-bod

It's time to finally start feeling confident in your body no matter whether you have just delivered, are 6 months or 6 years postpartum.  You deserve to feel happy and confident in your mom-bod.

Raise your hand if...

Now that you have had your baby, your body seems foreign.  It's almost like your body isn't yours anymore. 

Pee your pants whenever you laugh, cough, sneeze let alone run around or pick up your kids

It's not what it usIt's not what it used to be.  You ache more,  you feel more exhausted easier, you can't figure out a routine, or stress of wanting to work out but not having the time.

You want to heal your body after pregnancy and delivery but you aren't sure where to even start

The thing is, if you’re feeling all of the above, the problem isn’t that you are broken or that you should just accept it as part of motherhood 


What is really happening is pressure management and not choosing the right exercises at the right time 


But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Imagine if you could not think twice about peeing your pants while jumping, coughing, running, or sneezing


What if you could finally feel confident in your body 


Imagine what it would feel like to feel strong in your postpartum body​

Say goodbye to feeling frustrated with your body and hello to confidence

In this postpartum lab you will have...



Pelvic floor exercises, so that you can heal your body from pregnancy (no matter how long ago you delivered)


Relaxation exercises, so that you can calm your nervous system down to start seeing and feeling results 


Workouts to start building the strength, so that you can do any activity without questioning if you’ll leak or keep up with the kiddos

Did Someone Say Bonuses???

Not only do you get access to all the video links for pelvic floor exercises to heal your body, calm your nervous system, and start building strength but you ALSO GET...


My Goal Setting worksheet to teach you how to set reasonable and actually achievable goals. 


The “Maintain Wellness” with these worksheets on how to do all the things motherhood requires and not burnout or let your health tank


Learn my method on how to be flexible with your workouts so you can still kick butt on your goals, get stronger, and not worry at all for taking a rest day

Young Woman Running

Now, you might be thinking “How is Postpartum Lab different?”

I understand what it means to literally squeeze in a workout, hence chasing these two spicy babies around.

So I made the program to be done in as little of time to get you the biggest results possible!

Not only that but I have had to heal and recover my pelvic floor and core from a surgery and back to back pregnancies.


So, are you ready to feel confident and strong? It’s time to build your strength from the pelvic floor and core outward!


Hi I'm Dani Jones, your Pre/Postnatal Strength Coach

I’ve always wanted to be an OBGyn but with the demanding hours and work life I knew that meant I couldn’t have the family life I’d always dreamt of.  I then pursued a Bachelors and Masters degree in Exercise Physiology/Strength and Conditioning, and carried on to teach anatomy in my career. COVID hit and then I got pregnant! My first thought… what can I do when it comes to exercise while growing this babe???


So of course, down the rabbit hole I went. From research to certifications, more research and practical application I basically submerged myself in the absolute best marriage of what I wanted to be when I grew up (OBGyn) and the field I fell absolutely in love with (exercise science). 


I couldn’t imagine a better job to have, I get to help pregnant and postpartum mothers feel confident in their body by getting stronger with exercises that will set them up for the greatest success. 


It’s not just about throwing a bunch of random exercises together. There’s a beautiful science behind it. One that I find absolutely thrilling.

This is for you if...


By the end of this program you will:

  • have begun to heal your pelvic floor and core

  • strengthen weak muscles caused by pregnancy and delivery

  • Build strength to help you with everyday tasks including

  • Reduce your risk of prolapse, peeing your pants, and pelvic floor pain 

  • Set yourself up with a solid foundation to return to high impact like running or lifting

Not sure yet?
Here's my guarantee.

If you try and do the workouts for an entire week and you aren't happy about the program, I will give you your money back, no questions asked!


Yup, that's right.  You basically have a 7 day trial from date of purchase to see if you love the program or not.  What do you have to lose?


What if the reason you are feeling so disconnected with your body is because you’re just writing off that this is what motherhood is “supposed” to feel like?

How much time have you spent watching your kids jumping and playing instead of being right by their side, because you were scared of leaking or your vag falling out?


The truth is, if you want to feel confident in your body, you need to heal your core and pelvic floor


You need the strengthening, the relaxation techniques, you need progressive overload programming to help your muscles grow under load and tension (this is key for building strength and healing!)


You need to have a program designed not just by another mom who has been through it, but one that is backed by education, research, as well as experience.


It’s hard navigating the countless trainers' advice and noise out there saying what is and what isn’t safe for your body.


Take it from someone who teaches anatomy, has multiple degrees in exercise science and strength & conditioning, as well as specializing in pregnancy and postpartum populations.


There are ways to get back to feeling stronger and more confident in what your body can do.  


And if you need a helping hand to get strong again, then Postpartum Lab is for you

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